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Oh…Miso Moni


How many seasons have you been skating with the DC Rollergirls, and for which teams?

2016 – Season 10 is my FIRST season with the DC Rollergirls – I skate for the National Maulers and Capitol Offenders.

How and why did you first get involved in roller derby?

My first experience was attending the DCRG season opener for Season 7. As a spectator, I looked around and realized I was among every walk of life gathered together in one room sharing a single experience. I recognized immediately the community of Roller Derby. The next weekend I went to the local skating rink to see I remembered how to roller skate. I joined a startup rec league and began learning the sport of roller derby and became hooked on the athletic and mental challenge. It’s been an amazing part of my life.

What was your athletic background before learning how to play derby?

I participated in organized sports in school (track & field and soccer). I also was a downhill mountain bike enthusiast for a few years. I lost my desire to play a sport for a long time and then, found roller derby a few years ago.

What’s the story behind your derby name?

The discovery of your derby name can be difficult… while pondering how I could combine my Japanese heritage with who I am…. Luckily my derby name kind of just dropped into my lap! All my life, I’m faced with the fact that my name is weird for some so, sometimes kids and ‘lazy people’ just opted to called me Moni — I thought, that could work somehow… but I really wanted my derby name to be or include something Japanese… Miso popped into my head and I added a throw back to club days … a little homage to 2LiveCrew and there you have it! Oh… Miso Moni ~ Mic check 1….2….

What traditions or rituals do you have before skating in a bout?

I probably have a longer warm up routine than most. I can’t just throw my skates on and get it going. I need some exercise and a lot of stretching before I gear up. I have a lot of anxiety and self doubt on game day (butterflies?? is that what you call it?) so I tend ponder my life decisions usually right up to the 1st whistle.

What’s your favorite DCRG memory?

Oh, geez….. I’ve had so many wonderful experiences with the DC Rollergirls. I think putting on the travel team jersey might have to take the cake… It’s such an honor and personal accomplishment – being a DC Rollergirl is an amazing part of my life!