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How many seasons have you been skating with the DC Rollergirls, and for which teams?

Since 2012, Season 7. Scare Force One, Capitol Offenders, National Maulers and All-Stars.

How and why did you first get involved in roller derby?

During a difficult time in my life, I decided to step out of my usual routine. I can’t even explain how terrified I felt walking through those doors. Derby took me out of my comfort zone and positively pushed me in a direction of learning, strength, and self-confidence.

What was your athletic background before learning how to play derby?

I did not have an athletic background before derby. I started from the bottom. Becoming an amateur athlete playing a full-contact international sport is something nobody could have predicated.

What’s the story behind your derby name?

My initials are J.K. and my league mates nicknamed me “Jakes” which sometimes turns into “Jakes On Skates” or “Jakes No Steaks”.

What traditions or rituals do you have before skating in a bout?

No traditions or rituals. I do have a few lucky charms like a secret hidden quote sketched on the boot leather of my right skate and lucky blue wings attached to my skate laces.

What’s your favorite DCRG memory?

Playing at the D.C. Armory in front of huge crowds will always be a favorite memory. My comebacks. And my most favorite memory was when I learned the strategic play called GOATing does not refer to Jay-Z nor does it mean G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time).