LisDeath Slander

LisDeath Slander

  • Position(s)
  • Leadership Role(s)
  • Started Derby
  • Started with DCRG
  • Blocker
  • Skater on Tap Wrangler
  • 2015
  • 2015

Athletic Background

MMA, wrestling, parkour, rock climbing, powerlifting, basketball, soccer…. you name it.


Despite never having skated before, I signed up for DCRG’s bootcamp on a whim. I was looking for a new challenge, and boy did I find it. Derby has quickly become a main focus in my life, and I look forward to learning something new every day. It will test you (both mentally and physically), but in the end you always end up a stronger person.

Awards & Accolades

Rollergirl of the Month – February 2016